Saturday 11 August 2018

Miss Darcey Puffle and the Herring Gulls

That's the Miss Darcey Puffle naughty face, the face that says, "Let me do what I want!". As you can see she's being restrained here and that's because she wants to chase a baby gull.

Darcey has an obsession with birds of all shapes and sizes, hardly surprising given her breeding, she's an Irish Working Cocker Spaniel, Cocker Spaniels were originally developed to flush out woodcocks. She wants to chase birds, not sure what she'd do if she caught one but I don't think it would end well for the bird.

Over the last few weeks, feels likes months, Herring Gulls have been fledging all around us driving Miss Darcey Puffle to hysteria, making our walks shall we say interesting!

 On occasion we've even had to rescue fledglings from the middle of a busy road, as you can probably imagine that drove her to conniptions!

Most of the fledglings are flying now so we're looking forward to more peaceful walks in the near future. Though I do wonder which bird will be the next object of obsession for our little Miss Darcey Puffle!

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